23 October 2024, 08:29
By Furniture News Sept 04, 2019

If you could change anything about the Brexit process, what would it be?

What do you think? From emerging trends to the latest business principles, Furniture News is setting out to gauge the trade’s feelings on a variety of industry-specific topics. Today, we’re asking: “If you could change anything about the Brexit process, what would it be?”

Mike Murray (Land of Beds): It’s fair to say that Brexit is proving to be a very complicated process and that the continuing uncertainty has implications throughout the whole supply chain – for both manufacturers and retailers. We have plans in place for any number of eventualities, but we cannot get on with implementing them until a decision is made one way or the other. That being said, we are entrepreneurial people – having been in business for more than 40 years, we are confident that we will work with whatever scenario we find ourselves in and make it a success.

Nick Garratt (BFM): I think that Brexit has proven that first-past-the-post, majority-based Government is broken. Our system needs to be changed so that a formal democratic coalition Government can work. We need MPs representing the people with the ability to get the outcome the people want. I’m really fed up with party politics and MPs feathering their own nests.

Roy Beagent (Minerva Furniture Group): Referendum on any firm proposal.

Ross Beveridge (Archers Sleepcentre): Everyone seems to be united in the opinion that the Government have made a shambolic mess of the negotiations. I do feel that enlisting the help of some of Britain’s best business brains with a track record for negotiating could have provided a better, mutually acceptable deal than the one that has proved so unpopular with Brexiteers and Remainers alike. The pros and cons and potential pitfalls should have been investigated further prior to triggering Article 50, and even before carrying out a referendum. UK politics has been pushed further into the spotlight and has become somewhat embarrassing.

Rob Scarlett (Scarlett Design): Not voting in the first place. Surely this is what we pay politicians to do?

Steve Adams (MattressOnline): The implementation of a strategic plan. We need to see a unified cross-party approach that puts the UK first and leaves political agendas in the background. Consumer confidence will not return until we see a strategic plan towards Brexit, reassuring our customers the Government knows what they’re doing.

Dids Macdonald (ACID, The Furniture Makers’ Company): Misleading, undermining and underestimating the intelligence of the British public with untrue facts and hype driven by personal rather than national ambition.

Emma Leeke (Leekes): That we ever started down this road!

Gavin Boden (GB Agencies): The best thing would be to take any kind of decision-making away from MPs.

Jessica Alexander (NBF, AKA PR): Reverse it! Seriously, although everyone is fed up with the politics, this is a once-in-a-lifetime, irreversible decision, and I think we should have another referendum, with all the facts on the pros and cons on the table properly this time.

Jan Turner (AKA PR): Clarity. Clarity. Clarity! The lack of progress is creating untold damage, delay and indecision to British industry. No-one can prepare for an eventuality which remains so unclear, and, beyond ensuring good stock levels, most companies are at a loss as to how to prepare for it.

Disclaimer: These comments were made in response to a survey conducted at the start of this summer – given the ever-evolving nature of the Brexit debate, opinions may have changed in the meantime.

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